Into the Heart Experience


Access your full spectrum heart, dive deeply into your personal power, activate your creativity, ground into your true authentic expression.



Join Map to Self guide, Jade Rehder, for 3 full days and 4 nights of Connection,
Enthusiasm, Embodiment, Creativity, Power, Self-Sovereignty,
Heart, Body, Soul, Nature, Fun, and Joy!


It’s an Experience.

Are you ready to step into your fullness? To play big?

To stop holding yourself back from who you came here to be?

You’re on your spiritual path and you’ve done the deep inner healing work. Yet you sense there is more. . . YOU are more!

You long to hear (and trust) your inner voice . . .

All of our healing is Self-Healing, and no one can do the work for you… although with the right guide, in the right setting … well, let’s just say – magical things can happen!

Imagine yourself surrounded by nature . . . the ocean, the mountains, lakes and wildlife. A sacred gathereing of women; all of whom have come to heal past wounds and expand their consciousnness so that they can fullly embody their gifts and purpose.

We all carry baggage from our early years. Some of this baggage is obvious. Yet the part that’s typically stopping you, blocking you or holding you back is beyond your conscious awareness (think of an old computer program running in the background).

When you Move into a State of BEing… and connect to your heart more fully… you allow an expanded flow of the (absolute) Love vibration into your body, allowing you to feel more present and safe. THIS is the space of Self-Healing!

You Matter… and the Time is Now! The whole of your life has brought you to THIS moment. It’s time to take back the direction of your life. Make your self-healing a must! You are here to do big things! And you struggle to do them fully if you are wounded, unbalanced and unhealthy. This powerful time together will help you access the tools of self-healing… where YOU become your own healer!

Map-to-Self: Your path to have a clear connection to your inner guidance and personal truth.

Have questions? Click here.

Your Self Essence

Feeling that connection in your body allows you to feel grounded during all types of life experiences big and small. You will have the body awareness of your sovereignty and have the energy practice to use daily.


Disconnected from your body?

Here are some of the signs …

  • Do you feel emotionally numb? Forget what used to be important?
  • Have you lost interest in people and what’s going on around you?
  • Do you feel like a better life is fading?
  • Are you having a difficult time deciding what you want?
  • Do you ever feel empty inside?
    Have you turned to unhealthy habits to relieve stress? (such as alcohol, over eating, binging social media or streaming)
  • Do you lake ambition and feel lethargic?
  • Are you drowning in monetary pleasures (alcohol, over eating, or drugs) to relieve stress?
  • Does you feel mentally or physically tired?

It all begins December 3rd, 2021

What happens in the Map2Self Experience?

You’ll leave with tools to shift your energy and emotions. You’ll learn to unplug the experiences of the past… so you can move forward; lighter, more free and more confident!

During this you’ll enjoy:

⭐ KLEAR™ Channeled Experiences

⭐ Shamanic Drumming Journey

⭐ Ho’omanaloa Hawaiian Energy Attunement

⭐ Nature Walks of Integration and Expansion

⭐ Ocean and Tree Meditations

⭐ Morning Yoga and Chanting

⭐ Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing

⭐ Be Seen and Heard for Your True Expression

⭐ Multidimensional Activations

ALSO INCLUDED: We’ll do a post-retreat group check-in via Zoom to give you an opportunity to share what you’re noticing as you integrate back into your daily life.

In-Person Energy Support

I will personally walk you through any major things that come up. You’ll also have the freedom (and space) to fully care for yourself throughout this experience


Have questions? Click here.

Who is this for?

Ideal for you if you:

  • Desire to have a deep self-healing of your inner child
  • Are on a spiritual journey of expanding your consciousness
  • You desire to feel more connected to your body and heart
  • You are ready to feel better about BEing here on Earth at this time
  • You desire to feel more connected to your high self and inner guidance in a full spectrum way

Who Is Jade?

Hi! I’m Jade Rehder, the founder of  the 7th dimensional and beyond transcendence modality: KLEAR™!

I am an elemental alchemist, empath whisperer, certified energy coach, shamanic practitioner, and an advanced practitioner of the ancient Hawaiian practice huna la’au kahea.

I support awakened empathic souls and Star Light BEings in accessing higher guidance, receiving intuitive inspiration, transcending limitations, and making changes at the causal level that is beyond the access of mind and ego.

…and I am a MASTER at uncovering magic within others and creating a container of possibility and yumminess.

Jade Rehder Light Coach