Wild Women Awakening

With Jade Rehder and Marijo Vollmar

Join us

Has the vortex of Mt Shasta been calling you?

Now is the time to allow the multidimensional magic of this beautiful place assist you in embracing the Wild Woman Awakening for YOU!


June 18th Arrive – June 24th Depart

Join Us for 5 full days and 6 nights of Connection, Enthusiasm, Embodiment, Creativity, Power, Self-Sovereignty, Heart, Body, Soul, Nature, Fun, Joy & Wilding!

It’s an Experience.

Are you ready to step into your fullness? To play big?

To stop holding yourself back from who you came here to be?

You’re on your path and you’ve done deep inner healing work. Yet you sense there is more. . . YOU are more!

You long to hear (and trust) your inner voice . . .

All of our healing is Self-Healing, and no one can do the work for you… although with the right support, in the right setting … well, let’s just say – magical things can happen!

Imagine yourself surrounded by nature . . . the mountains, lakes and wildlife. A sacred gatherering of women; all of whom have come to free themselves from the past that has them restricted and expand their consciousnness so that they can fully embody their gifts and purpose.

We all carry baggage from our early years. Some of this baggage is obvious. Yet the part that’s typically stopping you, blocking you or holding you back is beyond your conscious awareness (think of an old computer program running in the background).

When you Move into a State of BEing… and connect to your heart more fully… you allow an expanded flow of the (absolute) Love vibration into your body, allowing you to feel more present and safe. THIS is the space to Reclaim Your Wild Woman! 

Your Self Essence

Feeling that connection in your body allows you to feel grounded during all types of life experiences big and small. You will have the body awareness of your sovereignty and have the energy practice to use daily.

Klear Alchemy™ Experiences

Connection to
Self & Nature

Reflection & Expression

You Matter… and the Time is Now! The whole of your life has brought you to THIS moment. It’s time to take back the direction of your life. Make your self-healing a must! You are here to do big things! And you struggle to do them fully if you are wounded, unbalanced and unhealthy. This powerful time together will help you access the tools of self-healing… where YOU become your own healer and awaken your wild woman!

Movement and Reflextion

& Expressing

BEing Together & Supporting

Have questions? Click here.


Disconnected from your wants and desires?

Here are some of the signs …

  • Do you feel emotionally numb?
  • Forget what used to be important?
  • Have you lost interest in people and what’s going on around you?
  • Do you feel like a better life is fading?
  • Are you having a difficult time deciding what you want?
  • Do you ever feel empty inside?
    Have you turned to unhealthy habits to relieve stress? (such as alcohol, over eating, binging social media or streaming)
  • Do you lack ambition and feel lethargic?
  • Are you drowning in monetary pleasures (alcohol, over eating, or drugs) to relieve stress?
  • Does you feel mentally or physically exhausted?

What happens during the Wild Woman Awakening Experience?

This will be an organic co-creation between us, you and Spirit. We will follow the energies and embrace the magical opportunities. What we know is you’ll leave with tools to shift your energy and emotions. You’ll experience unpluging the experiences of the past… so you can move forward; lighter, more free and more confident! You will go home with a more positive and expansive set point to start your day! 

During this you’ll enjoy:

⭐ KLEAR™ Channeled Experiences

⭐ Shamanic Drumming Journey

⭐ Ho’omanaloa Hawaiian Energy Attunement

⭐ Nature Walks of Integration and Expansion

⭐ Headwaters and Tree Meditations

⭐ Morning Movement and Chanting

⭐ Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing

⭐ Expressing Your Creative True Expression

⭐ Multidimensional Activations

ALSO INCLUDED: We’ll do a post-retreat group check-in via Zoom to give you an opportunity to share what you’re noticing as you integrate back into your daily life.

Why does it matter to Awaken your Wild Woman Within?

  • Life is short, humans have a short time to live fully (79 years give or take).  The time is NOW to begin whatever it is that you desire.
  • Move your body.  Just as much for mental health as it is for physical vitality.
  • Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.  Saying nothing may leave you wondering, “what if”?  No more “what if’s”.  How nice to really know.
  • There’s nothing wrong with endings.  Things change. People change.  The only constant in life is change.  Honor the endings.  They herald new beginnings.
  • Trust that everything is happening for you vs to you.  Trust that each encounter is for your highest good.  Know that rejection is divine protection.  Expect miracles daily.
  • Be a good steward of what you’ve already been given. God/Universe/Source recognizes this, and you will be entrusted with more as you continue to take good care of what you already have.
  • Step away from anyone or anything that is no longer a vibrational match for you. 

Who is this for?

This experience is ideal for you if you:

  • Want to reclaim your life 
  • Be inspired to remember what they like and want
  • Have been through major transitions and are feeling lost
  • Are open-minded and willing to explore new possibilities
  • Open to new views and experiences

Meet Your EnLigheners

Jade & Marijo illuminating the Light inside You & Shining Light on the Path!

Who Is Jade Rehder? 

After over 25 years adventuring in the world of awareness and consciousness I am so grateful to hear the calling to share the Joy, Light, and Magical Mt Shasta vortex with a group of Light adventurers this summer. I am excited to co-create the experience of magic that unfolds for you on Mama Shasta.

I lived on the mountain for 2012 and 2013 actively working with the shift of winter solstice 2012, crystalline grid of myself and the Earth/Gaia, St Germain, the Violet Flame, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Mu energies, connection with the beings of Telos, crystals, loving star brothers and sisters and other energies of expansion.

Who Is Marijo Vollmar? 

From resistive to receiving. From corporate to calming. Marijo Vollmar believes in the power of transformation after walking the path of doing “all the right things” and found herself stressed, overstimulated, and perpetually tired. Her earth resume lists professional jobs and university degrees, however, nowadays, Marijo prefers to go by names such as  poet, movement maven, and sensual seeker. You’ll be given a daily permission slip to express what you’ve wanted to say yet remained silent (until now!) via writing sessions with Marijo. Learn to carry yourself like the goddess that  you are and love how she moves through practical movement strategies that you can bring home to continue your transformation. Marijo will teach you about one of your most potent senses — the sense of smell — and how to use scent to amplify the feelings you want and extinguish the ones that need release using aromatherapy. Let’s play together on the mountain, where we will witness you growing towards your highest self in the peace and serenity of Mother Nature.

If you are feeling the call join us!

Who Is Marijo Vollmar? 

From resistive to receiving. From corporate to calming. Marijo Vollmar believes in the power of transformation after walking the path of doing “all the right things” and found herself stressed, overstimulated, and perpetually tired. Her earth resume lists professional jobs and university degrees, however, nowadays, Marijo prefers to go by names such as  poet, movement maven, and sensual seeker. You’ll be given a daily permission slip to express what you’ve wanted to say yet remained silent (until now!) via writing sessions with Marijo. Learn to carry yourself like the goddess that  you are and love how she moves through practical movement strategies that you can bring home to continue your transformation. Marijo will teach you about one of your most potent senses — the sense of smell — and how to use scent to amplify the feelings you want and extinguish the ones that need release using aromatherapy. Let’s play together on the mountain, where we will witness you growing towards your highest self in the peace and serenity of Mother Nature.

If you are feeling the call join us!

In-Person Energy Support

Having two enlighteners accompanying you on this journey opens up the chance to adjust your daily activities as needed. Whether you choose to rise late or retire early, rest assured that each day offers plentiful opportunities. From early morning rock hunting under the triple flame sunrise to late-night connections with our celestial relatives atop the mountain, the options are limitless!

Who is this for?

Ideal for you if you:

  • Desire to have a deep self-healing of your inner child
  • Are on a spiritual journey of expanding your consciousness
  • You desire to feel more connected to your body and heart
  • You are ready to feel better about BEing here on Earth at this time
  • You desire to feel more connected to your high self and inner guidance in a full spectrum way

Have questions? Click here.

Remember that with two supporters by your side, you’re encouraged to surpass any boundaries and embrace your true self fully.

Allow our encouragement to empower you to spread your wings and express the authentic essence of who you are a Awakened Wild Woman!


A few of the Benefits 

  • Explore your inner expansion in a safe space.
  • Release shame and guilt.
  • Understand that you are the main character in your story.
  • Learn tools to bring yourself to a new place and the ability to shift quickly when triggered.
  • Detox your emotions.
  • Gaining Clarity 
  • Embracing the Freedom to be authentically yourself 

    Awakening Your Wild Woman Within!

    Join a Sisterhood

    Some who come these experience “find their people” and become long-time friends.

    Life Changing

    I went to the first Mt Shasta Retreat with Jade, and it altered my life in ways I never expected. The healing journey it catapulted me on has been the best thing I could have ever asked the universe for! And the friends I made in those few days have become some of the closest I’ve ever had. No hesitation, this adventure is beyond worth it. Go. Go now.

    ~ Amanda M

    Be prepared for things to be different . . .And better!

    Every single time that I have worked with Jade and her KLEAR process,  I have seen dramatic shifts that have helped me immensely. I have not only had emotional and spiritual shifts, and I have seen shifts in my physical health and well being. I would unreservedly recommend Jade and this work to anyone who is interested in real change and improvement in their life. 

    ~ Diana T. 

    Marijo Creates a Space of Creative Flow

    The questions we could choose to write about were provoking and inspiring for the writing time. I appreciated the comfortable environment while the approach to writing was challenging and enriching. Lynn Anderson, Anishinaabe

    Truly Amazing . . .

    Jade’s method is an exceptional way to raise vibration and shift old patterns, allowing new, clearer perspectives into your life! I feel so blessed to have experienced Jade’s profound and life changing work. Her approach, which she offers from a grounded, yet expansive space is truly amazing . . .

    ~ Dr. Kacie Flegal, D.C.

    I truly thought it would never be possible

    Let’s begin at the heart of the matter: there’s nothing like Jade’s KLEAR technique! It has completely changed my life. I’ve struggled with PTSD for years and years, and doing KLEAR helped me heal in ways I truly thought it would never be possible. I didn’t believe it, and it still worked!!! … I genuinely recommend Jade as a gifted empath whisperer, guide, and practitioner of the healing arts, I have recommended her to family and friends who have had similar astounding successes . . .​​​

    ~ Doren D’Amico 

    Once Marijo shows you where your power is . . .

    Tangible results ALWAYS


    In my experience… the unexpected happens. Whether that be a new revelations, ideas, insights something always comes forth. Tangible results ALWAYS walking out feeling better than upon arrival.

    Before meeting Jade, I was an emotional rollercoaster full of toxic programming. Now I walk through life with greater ease, knowledge and confidence.

    Co-creating with Jade is a journey that is life changing.

    ~ Anjeleyah Sonja

    Where are we staying?

    Choose your room, and experience for the retreat!

    Immerse yourself in a transformative journey with our Living with the Enlighteners enrollment package. Experience 5 days and 6 nights of accommodation in rooms of your choice (assigned on a first-come, first-served basis), allowing you to truly unwind and connect. Delight in nourishing organic meals and snacks, promoting overall well-being during your stay. Transportation is provided throughout the adventure, ensuring you remain in your expanded state and fully embrace the magic around you. Embrace our unique 5D way of living with unrestricted access to enchanting resources and magical items. Join us on this exhilarating journey of spiritual growth and wild woman awakening. This house is located right in the heart of Mt. Shasta city, giving you easy access to all the eclectic shops, bakeries, restaurants, and coffee spots around. If you opt for the Enlighteners package, you’ll actually be living on-site!

    Master Bedroom - Queen

    Single Occupancy: $2,322

    Double Occupancy (you are coming with and rooming with someone you know): $1,888 each (bath will be shared)

    Upstairs Shared Room - Queen


    Upstairs Shared Room – Queen Bed – Room with Double Occupancy $1,999

    Front Downstairs - Queen

    Single Occupancy: $2,222

    Double Occupancy (you are coming with and rooming with someone you know): $1,888 each

    Lodging and Nurishment on Your Own ~

    Wild Woman Experience Only Enrollment at $1,222 

    Looking for more freedom of Choice? Opt for our Wild Woman Experience Only Enrollment 

    This includes all the guided experiences, guest teachers and expansion in awakening your wild woman within. This package allows you to select your own housing (hotel, camping or your own vacation rental), nourishment (your bring your own meals with you for our time together), and transportation (you drive yourself or car pool with other experience only gals) all of this giving you the autonomy to craft your adventure your way.

    Jade Rehder Light Coach